Abstract submssion is now open. Click HERE to submit your abstract.  

Authors are kindly invited to submit maximum 300 word abstracts no later than 8th January, 2025  through the online submission system.
Title of your abstract:  max. 75 characters
Structured abstract: Mandatory structure: Background/Methods/Results/Conclusion.

Preferred presentation mode: Oral or poster

Authors will be notified the acceptance of their abstracts in February 2025.

Topics of Interest

1. Electronic Phenomena and Quantum Materials
- bulk magnetism
- frustration
- surface magnetism (thin films, multilayers)
- nanomagnetism
- topological effects
- superconductivity
- active quantum matter
- other electronic phenomena
- entanglement

2. Soft Matter, Life Sciences and Health Research
- complex fluids
- bio-interfaces
- proteins
- polymers
- membranes
- lipids
- colloids
- biology
- medical applications
- biotechnology
-  advanced manufacturing (incl. 3D printing of polymers & composites)
- health
- food sciences

3. Material Engineering and Chemistry
- energy materials
- engineering materials
- metallurgy, environmental science
- functional materials
- glasses
- chemistry
- electrochemistry
- advanced manufacturing (incl. 3D printing of metals)

4. Universe Essentials and Society
- particle physics
- nuclear physics
- cultural heritage
- art
- archeometry
- geological and planetary science
- forensic
- irradiation
- activation
- other non-scattering applications

5. Neutron Methods and Tools
- neutron ecosystem
- science support (sample env, labs, deuteration, non-neutrons)
- polarisation analysis,
- detectors
- choppers
- target
- data and IT (incl. AI)
- facilities

 If you have any questions or problems with the submission, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.